Photo Gallery

Some casual shots of Jeff Cox, would-be Baseball Commissioner.

Charcoal King: any self-respecting commissioner should be able to grill and drink high-quality beer.

Would-be Baseball Commissioner, Jeff Cox, prepares his special hamburgers.

Though a hamburger purist, only using top, ground round, and slow-grilling them to perfection, Mr. Cox does allow guests to dress their burgers as they will. His choice? Heinz 57, jalapenos, tomato, and onion on a well-toasted (some would say burnt) bun. No cheese. No mayo. Ever.

The perfect complement to burgers? Beer.

Jeff's devotion to beer includes a special compartment in his refrigerator that keeps beer at optimum coldness. His favorites include Guiness and Sam Adams. He deplores what his future Secretary of the National Anthem and Music calls "girly beer" (e.g. 2 Dogs Lemon).

Bud Selig Must Go!!

Jeff grimaces at a guest's suggestion that he present Selig with a burger. "He'd probably smother it in cheese and mayo!" said Cox.